1.  Some Ad Agencies upload campaign data to the system themselves.  As an example, Publicis uploads all their own campaign data.  So if you are working on a Publicis campaign and don't see the data in POP Tracker it is best to reach out to them first (Su Kown - su.kwon@publicismedia.com).  If you are still having issues and need additional assistance please reach out to the POP Tracker support team at support@mypoptracker.com

2.  Sometimes we are still waiting on the campaign data from an Ad Agency.  In this case, our support team will reach out to the Ad Agency for the data or upload data from media vendors so they can use the system during their install.  If this is the case please reach out to our support team at support@mypoptracker.com

3.  And finally, human error!  Mistakes can be made but we can typically fix them pretty quickly.  Please reach out to our support team at support@mypoptracker.com if you are having any issues.


POP Tracker Support - support@mypoptracker.com