A short description for media vendors being introduced to POP Tracker for the first time
POP Tracker Mobile App - Quick Instructions + Addition Features
Media Vendor Website Image and Date Upload
Download Posting Instructions from your login on the website.
Media Vendors have access to add/edit Geopath IDs.
Here's a quick guide on how to change the email address for the POP Tracker automated notifications to the Media Vendors.
A short guide on how to upload a location list to a campaign in POP Tracker.
A quick step-by-step guide on how to either archive, or unarchive a campaign in POP Tracker. Why Archive?
Vendor users can now run a Missing POP Report to retrieve a list of units missing images in POP Tracker.
A short step by step guide on how to activate and deactivate users as a Media Installer Admin in POP Tracker.
A step-by-step guide on how to add a new user as a Media Installer Admin in POP Tracker.
How to upload images and dates for units with multiple creatives as a Media Vendor
This article will show you how to decide what reminder emails you receive or don't receive for campaigns.
Sharing images is a simple process.
Is image quality an issue? Sometimes...
No data in the system? There can be several reasons...
This article explains why a media vendor "typically" cannot change a posting date.
This article will explain how to upload an image to the POP Tracker system for a Media Installer for static and digital units including adding vendor install and take down dates.
Play data can be added directly into the campaign below by opening the display row, uploaded using the Download Play Data Report template or submitted via an automated data feed. Please contact support@mypoptracker.com to learn more about data connections.